Making Stuff . . .

Here is some of my current work - and pieces in progress. I've made custom Door Knockers and outdoor ornaments for people - mostly of their pets and favorite symbols. At left you see my sculpture of Pope Francis in clay - pretty much life sized. My goal is to portray the Pope's love and compassion - and also his aura of peace.
Below is a sweet Yorkie who has been a real favorite for the doors of doting dog owners. Below that little fellow is a California Brown bear - just like the one I spotted in the woods near our house in the mountains. This one is at home on the front door of a nearby cabin.
I usually start out in clay, then make a mold, and pour wax into the mold and then work with the wax until I am pleased with the sculpture. Then it's shipped off to a foundry where it goes through yet another lengthy process. You can learn all about the process HERE!

This Papa Penguin is installed at the Sacramento Zoo where thousands of children pet his head!

Here is work on an entire chess set. Some of the other pieces are waiting to be poured in wax. And finally, me wearing a magnifying headset to create the details in very small work.


This is one of my Forever Treasure Boxes. Something beautiful to pass along to family - forever!